MEDIA RELEASE – ALZHEIMER EUROPE Luxembourg, 17 December 2021 – Today, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), in a decision closely watched by the European dementia community, decided not to authorise aducanumab for the treatment of mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease…
Global status report on the public health response to dementia
Source : World Health Organization Halfway into the implementation of the Global dementia action plan, the Global status report on the public health response to dementia takes stock of actions driven by Member States, WHO and civil society since the adoption of…
September : World Alzheimer’s Month
World failing to address dementia challenge 2 September 2021 News release Reading time: 4 min (1026 words)Source : Word Health Organization Only a quarter of countries worldwide have a national policy, strategy or plan for supporting people with dementia and their families, according to…
EMBARGOED: Alzheimer Europe calls for prioritisation of people with dementia and carers in COVID-19 vaccination programmes across Europe
PRESS RELEASE COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE PRESSEMITTEILUNG Embargoed until: Friday 7 May 2021, 11am CET Alzheimer Europe calls for prioritisation of people with dementia and carers in COVID-19 vaccination programmes across Europe Luxembourg, 7 May 2021 – In a new position…
EMBARGOED: Alzheimer Europe calls for prioritisation of people with dementia and carers in COVID-19 vaccination programmes across Europe
PRESS RELEASE COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE PRESSEMITTEILUNG Embargoed until: Friday 7 May 2021, 11am CET Alzheimer Europe calls for prioritisation of people with dementia and carers in COVID-19 vaccination programmes across Europe Luxembourg, 7 May 2021 – In a new position…
ADI Bericht: „From Plan to Impact III“ – Governments must heed the lessons of COVID-19 and the disproportionate impact for people with dementia
Der Bericht ist auf Englisch. Sie können ihn mit Deepl Translate auf Deutsch übersetzen! London, 25 June 2020 – A new report by ADI calls on world governments to ensure that dementia remains a priority during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. World…
WHO 73rd World Health Assembly Statement submitted by Alzheimer’s Disease International
Written statements exceptionally considered under provisional agenda item 3 Address by WHO Director-General devoted to the COVID-19 pandemic response in advance of the opening of the Health Assembly Honourable chair and distinguished delegates, Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) is the global…
Despite a marked reduction in the prevalence of dementia, the number of people with dementia is set to double by 2050 according to new Alzheimer Europe report
Brussels, 18 February 2020 – Today, at a European Parliament lunch debate hosted by Christophe Hansen MEP (Luxembourg), Alzheimer Europe launched a new report presenting the findings of its collaborative analysis of recent prevalence studies and setting out updated prevalence…

Die Kampagne “Martine a un papi bizarre” auf Französisch oder „Tiny en haar verwarde opa“ auf Niederländisch geht erfolgreich weiter!
Am 21. September 2019, dem Welt-Alzheimer-Tag, hat die Ligue Nationale Alzheimer Liga asbl/vzw/VoG der Presse über die Kampagne «Martine a un papi bizarre / Tiny en haar verwarde opa“ berichtet, um die belgische kostenlose Telefonnummer der Ligue Nationale Alzheimer Liga…